Pure luxury, that's going to a music shop where you can sit in the warmth in a comfortable atmosphere while outside half of the world is bending under the cold, and you listen to other people's music, you choose a cd and sit down to listen to it. Music people have once made with fire in their heart, with thoughts in their mind and the desire to share them with others, idealists with an unbroken aura of hope who make music of the heart and of the soul, while others stare back at you from calendars, female singers who look like they couldn't decide between the job of a singer, a model or a prostitute so they managed to create something in-between and ordinary innocent people like me have to look at half-naked women posing like they want to be defined only by their bodies, making other women feel either ugly or angry, in my case the latter because it degrades women in my eyes and it destroys the progress so many feminists have been fighting for.. their hope was that men shouldn't continue viewing women as some sort of sex object but that's exactly what these superficial stupid girlies in the calendars do, apparently they feel it's expected of them and it's the only way to market themselves. I admit I see there must be a huge competition, the enhanced version of the competition which is going on in the streets every day anyway. But there should be a difference between sex calendars (which I don't mind because they're available for both sexes!) and singer's calendars..
You see, one of my next modules in uni next semester will include a part called gender studies, so I'm already trying to get used to the thought of talking abobut stuff like that.. I'm really not looking forward to it because I'm still waiting for THE great discussion which doesn't annoy me for a change..
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