Monday, October 17, 2005

A Pot Of Colourful Impressions

Right, a white page, a new beginning. I feel my website is gonna take a more poetic turn, political issues are going to keep turning up but otherwise I tend to regard them more as the topic of a good discussion rather than a monologue. The minute that politics becomes a monologue is the point where all is lost. Maybe all is lost anyway but that's a different story.
So now it's official: A fragile bright green bit of paper informs the viewer that I am a student at the sorta famous Humboldt university in Berlin, studying the subject of Social Sciences, starting 17th October. This is where I've wanted to be for ages, this is where I saw myself in endless day-dreams in tedious lessons at school, this is what I worked for, the only reason that kept me going was the prospect of starting new, still in Berlin but in a new environment. Locked away safely in the back of my mind was the prospect of maybe changing more than just my life.
The previous week has been an introduction week at uni. Introduction quite literally, I've been introduced to my future fellow students and together we've been introduced to working techniques. But above all, what I learned was, again, that no matter how often you've been preaching against prejudices in the past, in the end the wrong first impressions you get of people overwhelm you and you're trapped again until you manage to free yourself. Something else, a very important enlightment: children's games are amazing when you play them with strangers, and besides, these games are only called "children's games" by adults who feel really grown-up and all that, so who cares?! It's the result in the end that counts and the result after a week was that my mind was a pot full of colourful impressions. What more can you wish for?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations and Good Luck!
But beware, it will not always be fun, especially towards examns.

7:10 pm  

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